Posts tagged with "Georgia"

Deutscher Text
My journey is not about ignoring fears. I want to understand where my fear comes from and then look into its eyes. For example, I'm afraid of every foreign culture. I don't know why, I guess the terrorism and foreigners are evil narratives are so deeply ingrained in my mind, that it has taken over the default narrative.
Deutscher Text
My time on the Kazbegi was similar. A hard-earned experience between well-being and self-abandonment. And while I was sitting up there on the mountain, I was painfully aware of how I waste my life away in the cities of this world. How little I profit from society and other people.
Deutscher Text
The border crossing to Georgia is one kilometre south in the notch of a mighty canyon. The three thousand meter high peaks rise in self-confidence on all sides and command awe. Instead of the military, the border is guarded by a monastery.