Posts tagged with "India"

Deutscher Text
Blue-eyed and unaware of anything, I make my way to the bus station in the darkness. I had to poke my rickshaw driver vigorously in the back to make him drive in the right direction.
Deutscher Text
I only come to Varanasi because I get on the wrong train in Delhi. Train journeys in India bring a lot of pitfalls. I get on the train, which is on the right track at the right time, carries the right train number and still drives to the wrong place.
English text
Nach Varanasi komme ich nur, weil ich in Delhi in den falschen Zug gestiegen bin. Zugfahren in Indien birgt viele Tücken und somit steige ich in den Zug, der zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Gleis steht, die richtige Zugnummer trägt und doch an den falschen Ort fährt.
Deutscher Text
To travel, I have left behind the people who populate my orbit and make it a lovely place to be. I knew I would spend my life eating, drinking, talking without ever doing anything myself if I didn't leave.
Deutscher Text
I can't leave India without having seen a Bollywood movie with an Indian audience. Luckily, a nationalist Bollywood movie has just opened.
Deutscher Text
Arriving in Jaipur begins with fighting for a suitable rickshaw. A critical moment in any tourists journey, as you are being stormed on all sides by drivers.
Deutscher Text
After enjoying Christmas so much, I'm planning a similar evening on New Year's Eve. I take the beer in the fridge, cuddle up in a chair surrounded by candles, and write.
Deutscher Text
This is my second Christmas on my journey and contrary to any plans I made before, I spend it in Delhi.
Deutscher Text
My first trip to Delhi takes me to Lodhi Garden. A. drives me right up to the west gate, and we make sure to find each other in the same place in two hours.
Deutscher Text
I want to spend my time in India in an Ashram, do yoga and find myself. I want to experience India how it appears between the pages of magazines, but as always, nothing is as it seems.

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